Leadership Lessons from Henry V Part Four: Henry’s Dark Night

Part Three: Henry’s Dark Night – or the night before the battle.

I recently attended a superb training session on Inspirational Leadership from Ben at Contender Charlie. The messages on leadership were based on Shakespeare’s Henry V.
You can find handouts from the course here.

Over a series of posts I’m going to share some of my learning from the course.

So, in the play…
Landing in France, Henry achieves some early successes before setbacks lead to his 8,000 exhausted men being surrounded by 40,000 mounted French troops. The French offer Henry the choice of surrendering (and paying a huge fine but he and his troops being spared) or fighting the following day on the field of Agincourt and being killed.

Like so many leaders before and since, Henry faces his own dark night of the soul. He confronts the possibility of failure and the crushing loneliness of his responsibility as he faces a decision that could lead to most of his men lying dead on the field of battle and his vision destroyed. It’s a night of soul searching which is a metaphor for leadership in general.

Henry’s night goes through the following stages. I’ve tried to describe how the lessons can be applied to leadership.

Visible Leadership: A leader should always be visible – particularly when facing a real challenge.
Private Truth: If you reveal your inner truth publicly it can have a damaging effect. Put on a front.
Time Alone: Take time out to think when necessary. Spend some time with your family.
Listen To The Troops: Without taking it personally, learn the views of your team. Have the strength of character to accept criticism.
Unload Burden: Where do you go to unload the burden? NOT in the staffroom. You need the chance to vent off, but shout at the car, not at a person!
Acknowledge Shadows: Fully recognise the challenges that are faced. Keep it real.
Core Values: Come back to your core values – your vision. This is what matters in the end.
Inspire Troops: Inspire the team – go for it!

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